Sunday, March 29, 2009

Another day has come, elephant in the field enjoying what is out there. Hope you are enjoying too. life is good.... all animals are happy why can't we???

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hi folks this is how it is in Tanzania, if you are luck you don't have to pay to see animals, as you see this picture. They are out there watching people. enjoy this hope you like Giraffe is my best friend however don't mess with them.!!!
source Mjengwa blog

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Life from within

If you only visit Tanzania, and many other African countries, women will teach you how to balance life and walk freely.
Despite of uneven road to life, such as economic tumoil, wars, poverty, injustices & etc. life as it is, is from within

Do you trust the power within? Take a look at this woman in the picture!! enjoy all

Peace to all and all that is around you!

Dear Friend I am inviting you to see this art work and if you wish to dance with Heron Dance! enjoy it all. Awsome work!!
I am grateful to creator for wonders and miracles.

I thank you God for most this amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes
~ ee cummings

Dear Heron Dancers,
The Song Of The White-Throated Sparrow
The crystal clear notesof a white-throated sparrow floated down through the trees today.
And then a mile further up the trail, another.
The first songs to come my wayin the spring forest.
I like winter, when white covers the earth.
I like summer when the woods are green and warm.
But I love the wild forest when things are changing.
Now, the first week of spring.
Still some patches of snow lingerin the shade under the big trees.
The air warms then cools then warmsin the bright sun.
Trees with swollen buds, waiting.The first birds are back.
Their songs celebrate what isabout to come.
We humans know four seasons.
I wonder how many seasons the inhabitants of these woods know.
Maybe fifty-two.Maybe each week is a new season for those who go about their
routine deep in the woods.
The long, hard winter is over.
New life will soon fill these woods.
A flood of green, bird song, wildflowers.
And the white-throated sparrowsings its song anticipatingthe change to come.
In celebration of the Great Mystery of Life,
Roderick W. MacIver

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New life and new rise!

Cardinals, geese, and all flying birds are around, celebrating life, singing ,calling and dancing! come let us rise with the universe! Peace to all ! invite your friend to rise too.

Slide show
